New York based artist.

Centered around processes of both restriction and experimentation, Eva's work connects abstract and surrealist-abstract painting to content including: intimate inanimate relationships of city life, the nightmare and fantasy of technologic reality, isolation and the power dynamic of relationships, architecture and impossible structures, a noetic and the true expression of feelings in the age of mechanized sensuality. 

The subject matter in her work represents metropolitan glorification, dis-ease, glamour, the natural world, human fabrications and interactions, and imagined topographies.

The intent for each work is to project a tiny kernel of the sensitivity that beats inside each human as a visual, however broad in range or pictorially.

Her painting approach is to introduce a fabled city vision or atmospheric experience, crashing from the small details of the action, natural or artificial, in the real world.

The abstraction is meant to capture what else we see or experience besides ourselves in space. The kaleidoscope is ambiguous and topographical, a vacation is found in the culmination of emotions when the work is entirely absent of representation.

Her paintings are vignettes of the non-verbal sensitivity we all share and the chaos of modern sight. The paintings are meditations on our natural world, which is also our artificial world.

I stay in water

Feet upon moss

Moss on the rocks

Rocks in the river